Aqua Grabber

Aqua Grabber (20) (initially released on July 2010)

Aqua Grabber 1

Aqua Grabber 2

Squid Spotter (Easy): Spot the squid.

Aqua Puffle (Easy): Bring your pink puffle to the game.

Soda Success (Medium, members only): Complete Soda Seas by finding the treasure and returning it to the net.

Clam Success (Medium): Complete Clam Waters by finding the treasure and returning it to the net.

Soda Master (Medium, members only): Complete Soda Seas without losing a life.

Clam Master (Medium): Complete Clam Waters without losing a life.

Get Fluffy (Medium, members only): Catch a fluffy fish and return it to the net.

Get the Worm (Medium, members only): Catch a worm and return it to the net.

Bubble Catch (Medium): Catch a bubble by your puffle.

Pearl Capture (Medium): Catch all white small pearls held by small clams.

Clam Treasure (Hard): Catch the rare treasure in the Clam Waters level.

Soda Treasure (Hard, members only): Catch the rare treasure in the Soda Seas level.

Clam Compress (Hard): Complete Clam Waters in compressed mode.

Soda Compress (Hard, members only): Complete Soda Seas in compressed mode.

Clam Pressure (Hard): Complete Clam Waters in compressed mode without losing a life.

Soda Pressure (Hard, members only): Complete Soda Seas in compressed mode without losing a life.

Clam Timer (Hard): Complete Clam Waters in time trial mode.

Soda Timer (Hard, members only): Complete Soda Seas in time trial mode.

Crab’s Treasure (Hard, members only): Take all of the crab’s treasure.

Mullet Capture (Extreme, members only): Catch the mullet fish and return it to the net.

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